Thursday 7 May 2020

Healthy Habits

With us being deep in the middle of week 7 of isolation, and these strange times seem to have no end in sight, it's so easy to let everything either go to s*** or just go mad by focussing on the little things a little too much. I've been trying to stick to a few healthy habits that are helping to keep the noise of my anxiety done a little bit.

Open the blinds:
Where I've set up my office, area, is right in front of the window. I've made sure to be opening the blind everyday. It may sound small or obvious but even on the days when the weather has been dull, there have been a few, it's allowed more natural light to flood through. Especially since the clocks have gone back it's nice and bright the whole time I'm working and there's no need to put the light on.

Mix it up:
During this week I felt like I was slightly going mad looking at the same four walls so this week I’ve worked in a different room. Especially with it only being a 4 day week, I thought I’d work from a soft office and have a change of scenery. It’s been nice to have a change but I think next week will be back to normality and working from my office set up again. 

Leaving the room:
On my breaks and dinners, I've been making sure to leave the room and not stay sat in the same place. It could be so easily done. just moving from office chair to sofa to then just sit and eat before moving back and carrying on. Most of my dinners, especially with the weather having being nice, have been spent either in the back garden or sat on your back step just enjoying the noise. 

Healthy decisions:
Just because I can literally roll out of bed five minutes before I start work doesn’t mean I have too. I’ve still been making the choice and the effort to get up and get showered and dressed everyday *bar two*. 
Another one that’s linked under this one is also sleeping routine. I’ve made sure to still go to bed and settle down at a sensible time rather than scrolling through Twitter or Instagram for hours. 

I think the weirdest thing for me is that for me and John at least, have still got to have routine. We are still working, still having to continue with normal life despite everything that’s going on. 
There we have it, the way I’m trying to stay sane in these crazy ass times! 

Anyway, that’s another one done. 

Alice xx


Thursday 23 April 2020

Isolation Wishlist

It was payday yesterday if I'm completely honest how I've not already blown all my wages already I don't know. All I seem to be doing is stumbling across sales on websites and adding stuff to baskets before logging out or closing the app not actually buying anything, somehow.
Whilst I've been doing this I seem to gave bought a fair few large products in the last couple of weeks which are all adult purchases which I'm not a fan of.


I am a trainer addict. This much is already clear to anyone who knows me. Tell me I have an extra bit of money and I'll spend hours trying to decide how many and what trainers I want. Recently Nike has a sale on and I think I put about £350 worth of trainers into my basket. I again didn't buy any ~somehow~. It was the highlighted that office has a sale on and I fell head over...trainers (?!) in love with a pair of trainers. These ones I would have certainly have but alas they didn't have my size. I think this pair of trainers would be so perfect from Summer when we are finally allowed out to play. 

Board Games:

With all this time board games have been flooding my mind. We've already got a couple but who doesn't love a board game. John and I have been loving Risk and have had the computer version. We've been eyeing up soon for a while but I've recently watched all of the Star Wars, for the first time (yeah I know) and they've got one that looks amazing with the Death Star and everything. 
I also love the look of a number of the Big Potato games. I think the Disney games would be amazing to play. 

Design Tablet:

If you follow me on Instagram (pluggity plug plug) you'll have seen that I was doing some Calligraphy practice of names and words. I did the cheaper option with the interactive pen/stylus. I also looked at getting a graphics tablet. I felt completely out of my depth when it came to tablets so just went for the pen...for now at least.

Record Player:

I've been listening to music all day whilst working from home, nice and controlled in the background but I was thinking the other day there's nothing better then the sound of vinyl so just imagine have a vinyl player to listen too during the day. The only problem then is the limited music of the record and stuff. I also know John and I would end up spending so much money on records bearing in mind the number of CD's we have as a reference. 

Nintendo Switch:

There have been over maybe 15 times that I've had a Nintendo Switch in my basket on a number of websites. I think the only reason I don't own one at the minute with Animal Crossing is because they've not been in stock at all.
Part of the reason I've not been able to find a Nintendo switch is because I want the whole one rather than the lite version. For me the key games I'd want to be playing are the Mario and Luigi at the Olympic games and that's not available on the lite consoles. At one point during the early period of lockdown I thought I had one, however, I didn't.

If we are all completely honest though - the biggest want right now is the list of fast food restaurants that are closed. We miss you Maccies!

Anyway, that's another one!

Alice xx

What I'm Watching #1

Always one of my favourite things to write and share along with seeing and reading others is suggestions on things to watch.

I feel like there could a million things with it being so long since I shared anything like this but I'm gonna hit you with the things most recently I've watching and love on a mixture of sites or channels.


Too Hot to Handle:

I have somehow managed to binge all of this series in just under 24 hours and I loved it! I feel like it's taken the best things from Love Island and pushed it completely to the limit. However I would not have been as chill about $20,000 being gone just like that! Also $3 grand for a kiss...what?! Harry with all of his catch phrase kind of made the whole show - the little possum. I think bringing together people from around the world also adds a bit more heat to the whole show. One question though - does anyone else want to just wrap David up and smush him because he's just so cute!! However the twist in the last episode was a roller coaster and had Kelz on the edge of his seat.
Having binged it in 24 hours I clearly enjoyed it however it feels like there was something missing from the programme to just spice it a lit bit more. I'm only going to score it a 4/5.


Killing Eve:

It has returned and damn! I've only watched the first episode at the moment but I think the first episode has literally set up the whole series. I have so many questions already and I'm already trying to solve everything. I'm so sad with the ending of the first episode but really hopeful that it's not true and it's somehow standard Killing Eve and not true somehow. 
I have so much love for Sandra Oh because she's such an amazing actress but also because she's Christiana Yang always! Also Jodie Cromer is one talented lady and whenever you discuss Killing Eve with someone, one of you will discuss the fact the she has THE strongest scouse accent and it's glorious.
I'm so happy that Series 3 is here and it gives me another thing to build up on the box to watch and as I've mentioned I'm a massive fan of the lead actresses so it's a 5/5 for me. 

Our Girl:

Another BBC show now and again another one of many series. I love the idea of Our Girl and the story behind it. Having watched every series I feel very committed to this show. ~Does anyone else get like that?~ The start of these series gave me so much hope for happiness for it to be taken away a few episodes later. I do feel like the story seems to have forgotten aspects however. I get that Georgie is still struggling with the loss of Elvis but there are so many unexplained things. In the last series we saw Georgie was having a thing with Captain James and that has just slipped under the radar. 
So far this series is only getting a 3/5 because of all the plot holes - sorry Georgie!

Disney +


I love musical theatre and theatre shows and this programme is amazing! Seeing the comparison of the new show and the original its been great. I think so far my favourite ones have been the Grease on and the Annie on. The Grease one had such great characters and could just tell everyone was doing it for the love theatre and acting and stuff and the Annie one just came together at the very end to put everything together for the opening night. I'm loving that they're bringing old friends together again after years and it just looks like so much fun!
This show allows me to see some extra theatre shows during this weird period and some shows that I've never particularly seen but listened too before, some classics. I'd give it a 4/5 because it's an enjoyable show with music. 

For now that's all but with all the time we've got at the minute it's not like I'm not gonna find chance to watch more stuff. I'm looking forward to exploring more programmes on Disney+ and I'm always open to new shows on Netflix and the like. 

Anyway, that's another one.

Alice xx


Al0ha Alice

There's a few things that are strange at the minute. The situation in the world, the C word that people aren't talking about and for once it's not Cancer, however let's not bring the blog down on the first ever post. 

The fact that I've decided to start doing this is again is very strange. I tried a couple of months ago to restart or add to my previous blog but it seems that everything, and I mean everything has gone. Completely vanished. So I changed my mind because I felt like it was going to be too much of a chore and probably cost far too much money that I probably shouldn't spend. 

However with everything being so up in the air, thank you big C-19, I decided I needed an outlet. I can't go to the gym, I can't do any of my hobbies and I'm working from the same room that I'm spending my down time in. 
So I've decided to take the plunge and here we have it...Al0ha Alice.

If you know me at all, you probably know that my twitter and instagram have had this handle for ages and I've finally decided to just be al0ha Alice. 

Don't ask where it came from because it's been a very long time, and frankly I don't remember. 

In terms of me. Well a lot has happened since I last wrote a blog or shared anything similar to this. I'm not going to go into any of it because ~positive~ but there's been a lot.

Al0ha Alice is a different person and persona than who it was. However - the non relevant pictures shall forever continue!! 

Anyway there's the first one done. 

Alice xx